《The Depot Master》TXT全集
The Depot Master
书籍作者:Joseph C. Lincoln
书籍大小:解压后(3.84 MB)
书籍字数:383115 字
更新时间:2017-02-05 14:43:46


    西蒙先生菲尼走出了他的住所侧门和停了一会儿,揭示在丁香树丛背他的烟斗。菲尼先生是各种杂职业的人,他的符号,钉在大银叶在前院,列举了其中几个。 “卡彭特,那么驱动程序,建筑的人,看蔓越莓博格斯照顾和调度,等等,等等,以”让阅读的迹象。这房子是坐落在“菲尼巷,”关闭“跨街弯弯曲曲的小拜韦”之间的“海岸道路”在斜坡和脚的“山大道” - 原“希金斯斯特” - 顶部。从菲尼门的看法是广泛的,并为大部分湿。在过去的急剧下降山“肖尔路,”在贫瘠的土壤中,与杨梅灌木和“贫穷草覆盖诺尔斯,”到海滩和灰色,饱经风霜的鱼沿线分散的房屋黄沙。除了是海湾,在夕阳光一线希望。
    Mr. Simeon Phinney emerged from the side door of his residence and paused a moment to light his pipe in the lee of the lilac bushes. Mr. Phinney was a man of various and sundry occupations, and his sign, nailed to the big silver-leaf in the front yard, enumerated a few of them. "Carpenter, Well Driver, Building Mover, Cranberry Bogs Seen to with Care and Dispatch, etc., etc.," so read the sign. The house was situated in "Phinney's Lane," the crooked little byway off "Cross Street," between the "Shore Road" at the foot of the slope and the "Hill Boulevard"--formerly "Higgins's Roost"--at the top. From the Phinney gate the view was extensive and, for the most part, wet. The hill descended sharply, past the "Shore Road," over the barren fields and knolls covered with bayberry bushes and "poverty grass," to the yellow sand of the beach and the gray, weather-beaten fish-houses scattered along it. Beyond was the bay, a glimmer in the sunset light.
    Mrs. Phinney, in the kitchen, was busy with the supper dishes. Her husband, wheezing comfortably at his musical pipe, drew an ancient silver watch from his pocket and looked at its dial. Quarter past six. Time to be getting down to the depot and the post office. At least a dozen male citizens of East Harniss were thinking that very thing at that very moment. It was a community habit of long standing to see the train come in and go after the mail. The facts that the train bore no passengers in whom you were intimately interested, and that you expected no mail made little difference. If you were a man of thirty or older, you went to the depot or the "club," just as your wife or sisters went to the sewing circle, for sociability and mild excitement. If you were a single young man you went to the post office for the same reason that you attended prayer meeting. If you were a single young lady you went to the post office and prayer meeting to furnish a reason for the young man.

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